Bonjour la blogo,
Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler d'un e-shop que j'ai découvert dont le concept m'a énormément plu. Depuis pas mal de temps, je songe a faire évoluer mon blog et plus l'orienter pour découvrir des créateurs peu connus et qui ne sont pas commercialisés dans les magasins et e-shops classiques. On retrouve souvent les marques classiques de bijoux dans la blogosphère telles que Hipanema, les Néreides, GAS, et bien d'autres mais je souhaite vraiment mettre en avant des marques jeunes et récentes sur le marché. C'est pourquoi je souhaite vous présenter aujourd'hui, l'eshop MyfashionLab qui regroupe une sélection de jeunes créateurs talentueux, triés sur le volet. Le focus est vraiment mis en sur la créativité et l'originalité ce qui fait de MyfashionLab un espace résolument tendance ! Pour ma part, j'ai vraiment craqué sur les bagues que l'on peut assembler et que l'on peut également porter sur les phalanges! J'ai donc choisi deux petites bagues de chez Very Sisters que je vous invite à découvrir!
Hello blogopeeps,
Today I would like to introduce you an jewelry eshop I recently discovered whose concept is really interesting. For a while now, I would like to give a new direction to my blog and to present some new designers who are barely known to the wide public or/and are not present on the regular wholesale circuit. On the french blogosphere, we saw many young jewelry brands such as GAS, Néreides, Reminescence and many more but I really want to focus to some unknown ones. That's why I want to introduce you the eshop MyfashionLab which selection gathers hand-picked designers. The accent is made on creativity and originality which makes of MyfashionLab a resolutely trendy place! As for me, I had a crush for a set of rings that you can also wear on phalanxes. That's why I chose some rings from Very Sisters that I advice you to check out!
Hello blogopeeps,
Today I would like to introduce you an jewelry eshop I recently discovered whose concept is really interesting. For a while now, I would like to give a new direction to my blog and to present some new designers who are barely known to the wide public or/and are not present on the regular wholesale circuit. On the french blogosphere, we saw many young jewelry brands such as GAS, Néreides, Reminescence and many more but I really want to focus to some unknown ones. That's why I want to introduce you the eshop MyfashionLab which selection gathers hand-picked designers. The accent is made on creativity and originality which makes of MyfashionLab a resolutely trendy place! As for me, I had a crush for a set of rings that you can also wear on phalanxes. That's why I chose some rings from Very Sisters that I advice you to check out!